Aurelie Colas

Jul 30, 20202 min

It's BAA!-rmy Time!

Today, we have a little something different to offer you for your Baa!-musement: woolly crosswords! We are delighted to bring you a (hopefully) fun, little challenge. Please let us know if you like it. If you do, there may be moreā€¦ Have fun!

Download your Woolly Crosswords below!

Want to chat about your findings? Not sure about a clue? Please come over to the Forum!

Send us your completed Woolly Crosswords (take a picture or screenshot, and email it to us at and we'll send you a free copy of a Baa!-gical Mini Guide! (PDF Download)

Goodies in the Shop

As you may have seen on our social media, the popular Herdy Ewe Tubes are back in stock! Be quick, as they're flying through the door really quickly!

Do you have yours already?

We also have a few new and unusual books! You may or may not know, but we do love books at Baa! We love them so much that we have a pretty large collection of beautiful books. In the shop (and the online shop), you will find books about knitting, crochet, and other crafts.

Below is a little selection of the newest arrivals in the shop. They are beautiful! Personally, I have a fondness for "The Human Thread": photography across the world on the subject of thread, yarn, weaving, and fibre arts in general, what's not to love?

(Online) Shop News

The PDF Store is growing. We are happy to announce that a selection of crochet patterns by Fiona Meade are now available in the online store. You may already know Fiona from crochet workshops in Baa! At the moment, sadly, the workshops are on hold, so it is with great delight that we offer these instructional patterns, with detailed pictures and instructions, from which you can learn new techniques or perfect your crochet!

See you soon!

Zoom knit groups are also still going strong and everyone is welcome! Every Wednesday at 7pm and Friday at 10.30am (BST), we are holding our virtual knit group. Come and knit or crochet along with us as we discuss the most random subjects, including (but not only) crafting of course! Visit Zoom website or download the Zoom app, and click "Join a meeting". Follow the instructions, using meeting ID: 288-959-5554 and password 238462. See you there!

Finally, we would like to remind you that the shop is open. There are a few appointments left for the remainder of the week. Book a slot and come visit us! Alternatively, you may pop into the shop during working hours as long as there is no sign on the door that says "Appointment in Progress", and there are less than 2 persons in the shop.

We'd be delighted to see you!

Woolly yours,

Aurelie and Janice
